Valentine's Day Bouquet

Valentine's Day Bouquet

from $79.00


Show your love for both your partner and the environment with our enchanting, eco-friendly Valentine’s Day Bouquet. Celebrate with a uniquely vibrant Protea bouquet, a symbol of lasting love that will outlive ordinary roses by weeks.

Available in three sizes, our bouquet features a mix of pink, red, and white Protea blooms, nestled in green and red Leucadendron and wild harvested foliage. Each bouquet is handpicked on our organic, solar-powered, family run farm.

Standard: 3 Protea + approx 15 assorted stems

Deluxe: 5 Protea + approx 20 assorted stems

Grand: 7 Protea + approx 25 assorted stems

- GRAND Bouquet pictured

- Flowers last 2-3 weeks

- Customizable greeting card

- Vase not included

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